Alcohol effects the brain.

I was once in the seizure of the excitement of alcohol, often to observe the same behavior in the brain structure of male head himself under the wheels of the railway, but, unfortunately, had the opportunity of the accident, has evolved from the moment the brain skull. The brain itself, all, three minutes after death was before me. This is most clearly is extremely vascular structure and spirit of the odor exhaled minute films. It's as if she has recently seemed to have been injected with red. brain's white, with red dots, to identify the most when you make an incision in the white of Nature, 5601, and - to his alma mater, the membrane covering the brain blood vessels or internal Web subtle coagulation red blood like, so nervous was filled with a large boat.
I have a small brain, and these two conditions, big brain, the cerebellum is extended, it is not necessary to add or brand in the medulla oblongata, part of the spinal cord to start.



Effects of alcohol, continue beyond the first stage affects the ability of the spinal cord. This part of our health through the nervous system are used, even if the system of the type of machine, we believe, continue to perform automatic acts of speaking subjects or others. His mind was perfectly skilled craftsmen turn these themes, while several others, he continues mechanics. and therefore we are all a purely automatic way to perform the higher centers in various acts of assistance without having to call, usually what we think is more remove before the service that we demand. centers of the spine and alcohol to be under the influence, these pure automatic acts to stop the race successfully. Any object can be planted successfully in their hands or feet can be attained, the higher intellectual center should be called to ensure that procedures. muscular coordination and immediately following the loss of that power. Loss of specific neural control of muscles, nerve stimulation is more or less weak. The muscles of the lower lip of the object is usually the first one to fail all the muscles of the leg, it should be noted that the extensor muscles give way earlier than the flexors. Muscle at this point myself, have failed to power, they are the natural response to nerve stimulation more slowly, even they are subject to the influence of agents paralyzing depression, a temporary structure Tasa is crazy, a decrease of contractile force.

This function changes in animals under alcohol, marks the second stage of the action. The youth is currently general, fainting, vomiting was followed by relief of the burden of the poison slowly.

Effects of brain centers.

the spirit of alcohol is still the brain and the brain centers, which conducted a further degree affected their power and control to reduce the impact of the decision lost. These centers, where unbalanced, chaotic, emotional, rational part of human nature, passionate, giving halfway thrown before or organic. Why, if the hours are misleading or obligations will be placed naked animal instinct and feeling just terrible that all. More Craven cowards, proud, cruel shows boast more cruel, false, less than the flesh. "In vino veritas" may, in fact, represent a physiological accuracy, the actual condition. The reason, emotion, instinct, all come to the carnival, the chaos and weakness.

Finally, alcohol, the brain centers are staffed by upper reach of the action, the sense of voluntary muscle weakness, sensory loss, the body connect everything on the 1.4 th death before it happens beclouded satisfied that this life is. It eats all your mind while breathing life force is always faithful to his obligations, and to stay. Non-circulation and respiration of mass if it is not repeated again until you start to pass and the nerve center of the poison has been exposed to ground in the field of life. This is fortunate, in principle, the brain is drunk, he did not take long before the heart has continued the process of destruction of his act, is also the death of her cycle, or the power. Therefore, he lives to die one day.More Info


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